SELKIRK Rotary Club has been horsing around over the past week - and it’s all been in the cause of fun, fellowship and, above all, supporting charities.

First at the starting line was Cree, one of the horses used by Borders group Stable Life. He was treated with the usual friendly welcome to the meeting when he arrived at the bar in The County Hotel, even being offered a drink from President Jim McPherson.

Cree was there with volunteers from the Stable Life who had benefited from a Club donation of over £300.

The money has enabled them to purchase six blouson jackets for the volunteers to use while working with the horses during the sessions with the young people. The jackets have been embroidered with the Rotary Wheel.

Stable Life aids recovery and improvement of the quality of life for young people affected by mental, emotional, trauma and substance use disorders by giving them self-determination and empowerment.

Also through family and community education, acceptance, and support.  Cree proved to be a real attraction not only to members, but also to the other guests, who had been invited to receive cheques from the Club.

Selkirk Parish Church benefitted from a donation of £1000 to assist in the repair of the church roof and the Borders Exploration Group, including three local young people, who are heading to Malawi later this year, received £500.

Two days later Club members were putting their money on horses of a different nature, when the annual dinner took the form of a horse racing night at Selkirk Rugby Club.

This time the only horses were on film and board. Visitors from other Borders Rotary Clubs joined in the fun.