THE ongoing process of improving the streetscape in Galashiels is part of the plan to make the town the Gateway to the Borders through the Transport Interchange which is now being built.

So said Ewan Doyle, Project Manager with Scottish Borders Council, on his visit to Galashiels and District Rotary Club.

Ewan’s remit is to shape the way the town centre develops, working with local groups. He aims to improve access, enhance the town centre’s attractiveness and encourage a shift from vehicles with the main traffic flow through the town being the Inner Relief Road.

The first phase of improvements included the creation or upgrading of civic spaces such as Market Square, Cornmill Square, the top of Channel Street and at the Transport Interchange which can be used by community groups for various activities.

The developing flow of people from the Interchange should encourage more shops to open in Douglas Bridge and on to Channel Street. The Rotary Club will again be holding a craft market before Christmas in Channel Street, bigger and better than last year’s event which was set up in only three days after an outside provider did not manage to put on an event.