SIR, As local Peebles residents and supporters of the People’s NHS campaign, we would like to say how proud we are of our town for taking part in the People’s NHS Day of Action on November 12.

Over 350 households across Peebles took part on the day, by putting up signs, to send a clear message in protest over David Cameron’s refusal to veto the NHS from the dangerous trade deal called TTIP.

There were around 40 local residents attended a protest at Priorsford Bridge, to highlight the dangers to the National Health Service, despite the rather driech day it was.

Not only is the Westminster government selling off the NHS in England - they are putting the NHS in Scotland at risk of irreversible privatisation because of TTIP.

We have been demanding that our local MP David Mundell calls on David Cameron to ensure he uses his veto to protect the NHS.

Mr Mundell continues to refer to it as a devolved issue for the Scottish Parliament to decide when it is not, it is a UK issue.

The French government have used their veto to exclude their audio-visual services from TTIP, whilst our NHS remains on the negotiating table.

Cameron has used his veto before, he opposed capping bankers bonuses in Europe but when it comes to protecting our NHS he won’t act. It shows where his priorities lie.

We hope that those who have been engaged in this stage of the campaign will continue to be involved and we want to thank everyone who took part. We will continue to campaign to protect our NHS from the TTIP agreement, and we hope that residents of Peebles will continue to support us. We are, etc.

Cat Hamilton and Jody Jamieson Peebles