ON Saturday December 6 Gala Waterways Group cleared vegetation near the stairs between High Street Car Park and Gala Park.

Small. straggly, and dead trees were removed from near the bottom of the steps, and laurel bushes were cut back higher up the steps.

Community Councillor Murray Dickson said "Many of the passers-by praised our work near the Mill Lade, and welcomed the additional light and visibility on to the steps. There's more work to be done, but it's rewarding to see the achievements so far."

The workparty also collected rubbish from the Lade including a supermarket basket, steel mesh from a dustbin, a car battery, a childs scooter, a lamp standard and 24 kg of bagged rubbish. The Community Council are grateful to the volunteers for their efforts, and to SBC for removing the rubbish.

The Groups next workparty will be on Saturday 3rd January, meeting at 10am by the public toilets in the High Street Car Park. For more information on GWG contact Alastair Lings on 07763 850087.