Generous Gala Rugby Club have passed on a £1,000 cheque to the Rowan Boland Memorial Trust.

The money was raised from bucket collections held during the club’s successful Maroon’d at Gala event in August, which saw thousands of people enjoy a day of rugby and entertainment at Netherdale.

Kristin Boland, of the Rowan Boland Memorial Trust, said: “Huge thanks to Gala Rugby and all those who donated to our collection at Maroon’d.

“We know it is a difficult time, but this donation will provide support to many young local sportspeople and their families who need some help with their costs.”

The Rowan Boland Memorial Trust was established in May 2010 in memory of Rowan, a talented young sportsman from the Borders.

The aim of the trust is to support enthusiastic youngers showing potential to compete at school, club, regional, national or international level.

If you would like to apply for support from the Rowan Boland Memorial Trust, or donate to the Trust, please visit