AN ONLINE questionnaire to find out what villagers love and hate about living in West Linton has been launched.

The Community Survey 2023 may be completed by anyone aged 12 upwards and primary aged children can take part at school.

The online tool, which went live about a week ago, is part of West Linton Community Council’s (WLCC) engagement with Scottish Borders Council’s ‘placemaking’ scheme.

WLCC members are to put in some legwork and try to get out to all the village’s clubs and societies to make sure the survey reaches as many people as possible.

Speaking on Monday evening, WLCC member Lindsay Mann said: “We can provide a paper copy of the survey but it is better to offer to complete it on an iPad.”

On the website there is a map to confirm the boundaries of West Linton.

A statement on the opening page says: “Your community council are keen to get your views and opinions about living here – and the more of you who take part, the better an understanding we will get of the issues that need to be addressed.

“We are interested in the views of everyone. This survey will inform future local planning by Scottish Borders Council and other partners such as the NHS.

“Please answer the questions based on your own personal opinions and behaviours.

“Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.

“Your information will be coded and will remain confidential.”

The survey establishes how long people have lived in the village and how long they intend to stay with a series of five emojis to determine the village’s ‘enjoyment level’.

A list of statements about village issues asks for five responses to each, from very satisfied to not at all satisfied.

The issues are: public transport; community; identity; housing; moving around; facilities; services; safety; traffic and parking; village influence; green spaces; resident influence; maintenance; play and recreation; and belonging.

Participants are next asked to pick three of the issues on which to focus.

As well as multiple choice answers there is an opportunity to expand on all the issues with boxes for a further explanation.

There is a question about the possibility of a West Linton Community Trust and the survey asks for opinions about ideas generated at a meeting last year.

Some of these include: supported accommodation for adults with disabilities; a space for youth activities; all weather sports facilities; flexible office space; and a nursing home.

The survey finishes with some demographic questions such as about age group and whether the participant has access to transport.

To take part, visit: