FORMER teacher Chris Harvie 67 has successfully completed his Murrayfield to Malta for MND cycling challenge to raise money for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation.

Chris who formerly taught at Preston Lodge High School in Prestonpans set off from BT Murrayfield on Saturday April 22 with his tent and cycled to Portsmouth, before sailing to Ouistreham in Northern France where he will be joined by a couple of friends who accompanied him for part of the way.

He then cycled through Italy, Sicily and then over to Malta on the ferry, finally arriving ahead of schedule on June 28.

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He spent a total of 57 days of cycling at an average of 42 miles per day. The total distance travelled was 2612 miles.

He set himself a target of raising £1,500 but has more than tripled that amount and the current total is just short of £5,000.

Chris said: “My wee trip was called "Murrayfield to Malta for MND" and it was to raise funds for My Name'5 Doddie Foundation.

“Some of the top sports people that have suffered or are suffering from this disease are Doddie Weir, Rob Burrows, Fernando Ricksen, Joost van der Westhuizen.

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One of my favourite sports people and a friend and colleague, whom I know dedicated her life to introducing young people to sport in schools and gave up so much of her free time to do so, also developed Motor Neurone Disease.

“My lovely brother-in-law, Michael Burslam, who was not heavily into Sport but was as fit as a fiddle was also taken with this disease. These were just some of the reasons I wanted to try and do my bit by raising funds.

“My friends and family think I am bonkers but were fully supportive.

“A huge thanks to all the people who have supported me with words of encouragement and donations. There are too many to mention.

“And to all involved with My Name'5 Doddie Foundation, keep up the fantastic work. Thanks again in appreciation and gratitude.”

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And his achievement was even mentioned in the House of Commons.

En early day motion from MP Kenny MacAskill read: “That this House commends the fundraising efforts of former Port Seton resident, Chris Harvie, who will cycle from Murrayfield to Malta to raise funds for the MND charity My Name'5 Doddie Foundation; understands that Chris now lives in Manchester and was a craft, design, technology and guidance teacher at Preston Lodge High School; acknowledges that Chris' brother-in-law and a former colleague both passed away after their battles with MND; notes that Chris' journey began in April 2023 and he hopes to conclude his cycle by the end of June 2023; and wishes Chris the very best of luck with his cycle and all the best for the future.”

The motion was supported by MPs Chris Stephens SNP and Jim Shannon DUP.