GALASHIELS boxer John McCallum feels ‘disheartened and frustrated’ after his fight against former three-time cruiserweight world champion Mairis Briedis was called off.

The bout had been due to take place at Edinburgh's Meadowbank Sports Centre on July 21.

Former policeman Briedis has an impressive record with 28 wins – 20 by knockout – and two defeats from 30 fights since turning professional in 2009.

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But he claims that he has picked up an injury during training for the fight with McCallum.

He said: “I was really looking forward to fighting in Edinburgh on July 21. Sadly I have suffered a small setback in training and so I won’t be ready in time.

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“But I can promise my fans that big fights are coming later this year.

“And they will put me and my beloved country of Latvia back at the top of the sport.”

Surrey-based McCallum, who still owns a house in Galashiels, said: “My contract has been declared null and void and my slot has been taken off the Meadowbank card which really disheartened me with boxing.

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“Lots of my fans bought ringside tickets but now I won’t even be on the card which is such an anticlimax. I really fancied my chances against Briedis.

“Although it’s been soul destroying and frustrating I’ll still persevere. It’s not about the money, I just want to fight the best.”