A MOTORIST who admitted driving while three-and-a-half times the legal alcohol limit has been banned from the road for 12 months at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

Connor Logan, 29, pleaded guilty to the offence which happened outside his home in High Street, Coldstream, on June 25.

Depute fiscal Drew Long said police came across Logan sleeping in his Volkswagen Golf with the engine running and lights on. A check of CCTV showed he had been driving earlier.

Logan gave a breath test reading of 78 microgrammes – the limit being 22.

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Defence lawyer Ed Hulme said his client had gone to visit friends and had no intention of drinking but changed his mind.

He then made the stupid decision to drive home and was found asleep in his car.

Mr Hulme said: “He was well over the limit and should not have been driving.”

In addition to the year ban, he was fined £300 with a £20 victim surcharge.