A BORDERS man is leading a team of adventurers who are aiming to become the first people to row an historically treacherous ocean route.

The Northwest Passage is the sea lane between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the Arctic Ocean.

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The expedition is being led by multiple rowing world record holder Leven Brown, who was born in Galashiels and now stays near Lilliesleaf.

The 51-year-old left from Eyemouth for the start line in early June.

Border Telegraph: Leven Brown

Leven’s wife, Jo, who runs the Spa Shack in Melrose, is able to keep in touch with him via a satellite phone and updates the expedition’s Facebook page.

She said: “The sea is in Leven’s blood and I know that he will complete this journey. They are on schedule and started off fast with a good tailwind, but the water has been choppy.

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"It’s time sensitive because they have to get to the end before the water freezes over. Many explorers have lost their lives on this route. But I’m not at all worried, Leven is very experienced and I completely believe in his ability.”

Leven is one of the most highly regarded ocean rowing skippers in the world.

He has rowed more than 30,000 nautical miles.

The group’s journey will follow the 3,700km Arctic route from Baffin Island, Canada, to Point Barrow, Alaska.

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The expedition, which started on Thursday, August 17, is expected to take 60 days.

It is only possible because the region's climate is changing. The sea ice is retreating each year, gradually opening the route from July to September.

Border Telegraph: Leven Brown

The trip aims to draw attention to the shifting environment and collect meaningful data for climate scientists.

Leven is accompanied on board by Livar Nysted, Robert Strachan, Davie Flett, Daniel Kritzinger and Philip Als from Barbados.

Also making the trip is Mike Harding, a descendant of Captain Sir John Franklin who disappeared with the ships and crew of HMS Erebus and Terror while searching for a route through the passage in the mid-19th century.

European explorers first began to search for the Northwest Passage in the 15th century. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first to successfully navigate it in 1906 following a three-year voyage.

You can follow the group’s progress at nwpexpedition.com/tracking/ and on their Facebook page, Northwest Passage Expedition.