A DUNS man under the influence of drugs tried to break into a house in the town’s Market Street.

Thirty-six-year-old David Souness pleaded guilty in March at Jedburgh Sheriff Court to the offence.

Two staff members in a nearby shop saw Souness put his hand through the letter box and trying the door handle, and were suspicious as the house belonged to an elderly woman.

When police officers arrived 10 minutes later Souness was found in the garden and officers formed the impression he intended to commit theft and was under the influence of drugs.

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He was not charged at the time because police believed he was in no fit condition to plead to the charge.

Defence lawyer Ross Dow said his client had been under the influence of Diazepam at the time.

Sentence had been deferred for six months for Souness to demonstrate he could be of good behaviour.

After hearing he had been, sheriff Peter Paterson opted to impose a fine of £350 with a £20 victim surcharge.