HEAVY rain is forecast for the Scottish Borders over the next few days.

Traffic Scotland says that it is important to feel comfortable behind the wheel in wet conditions, and be fully prepared for the difficulties that come with wet, slippery roads and reduced visibility.

To help keep you and others stay safe they have some information on driving in wet weather.

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When the weather is poor, it is always advisable to try and postpone your trip.

However thanks to our Scottish weather, driving in the rain is almost impossible to avoid, so it always pays to be prepared.

Make sure your windscreen wipers are working.

Ensure your tyre's tread depth is above the 1.6mm legal minimum.

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Try to have a full tank of petrol.

Be mindful of other drivers and be a considerate road user when it's raining.

 Use dipped headlights during daylight hours, slow down, and keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

Windscreens can quickly fog up in wet weather. Keep your air conditioning on as this will stop this from happening.

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When driving in the rain, it is advisable to reduce your typical speed by around a third. This depends on your car, speed limits, and the conditions.

In wet weather, stopping distances will be at least double those required for stopping on dry roads. This is because your tyres have less grip on the road.

Avoid driving in flooded conditions if you can. If you come across flooding and are not sure how deep the water is, turn around and find an alternative route.

At best you could damage your car, at worst you could be swept away.

Flooding can drastically worsen very quickly, so always be careful and check for weather warnings.