REPORTS have been ordered into a Galashiels man who admitted being in possession of a canister containing PAVA which was in breach of the Firearms Act.

Colin Shaw, who is 54, claimed he thought the canister contained deodorant when he picked it up from an Airbnb in London.

His partner thought so as well and used it under her arms only for it to cause severe irritation.

Shaw took the canister out of his property in Balnakiel Gardens and popped it in his van for safe keeping.

But the canister was found when police stopped his van in Galashiels on November 25, 2021, and he admitted not storing it in a secure place.

After being told Shaw was unable to pay a fine, Sheriff Peter Paterson deferred sentence for background reports to establish whether Shaw was able to carry out unpaid work.

Sentence was deferred at Selkirk Sheriff Court until May 27.