DRESSED as Doctor Strange, complete with flowing red cape, Catherine McCracken was the adult winner at a cosplay competition on ‘Free Comic Book Day’.

Clare Mott, the proprietor of Peebles Comics and Games, announced the winners on Monday evening, following the global event last Saturday.

In the young person’s category Leo and Max collected top hours for their depiction of favourite characters from ‘One Piece’.

There was a special prize for James T and family including the dog.

Clare said: “Thank you so much to all of you who came to support our Free Comic Book Day, which happens round the world on May 4 and especially to those who came in cosplay.

“It coincided with ‘Star Wars Day’ this year being on ‘May the Fourth’ so there was lots of related cosplay too.

“We gave a store voucher to the winners in each category... it was a tough decision.

“The day itself was about giving away comics and encouraging new readers and collectors into the shop.

“We gave away literally hundreds of comics for all ages and everyone had a blast.”