A RE-ENERGISED 76-year-old woman who has battled mobility issues since breaking her leg and ankle is taking on an ambitious triathlon challenge.

Sue Isherwood, of Peebles, suffered the injuries after falling while Munro walking.

Twenty-one years later, Sue is preparing to cycle, swim and walk more than 34 miles to raise money for international development charity Christian Aid.

Sue said: “The first stage of my triathlon will see me cycling 26 miles from Eddleston to Walkerburn and back to Peebles, then I'll be swimming 50 lengths of the Peebles Hydro pool.

"The final leg will be a four-hour (eight-mile walk) around St Mary's Loch.

"I've had lots of problems with my ankle and foot since a bad fall on a Scottish mountain many years ago.

"I'm thrilled that I've now got the energy and strength to take on this distance. It won't be easy but I'm looking forward to the challenge and I'm hoping to raise a healthy sum for Christian Aid.”

The Borderer starts her triathlon on Monday (May 13), which falls during Christian Aid Week, the charity’s weeklong fundraising appeal.

In addition to Sue’s triathlon, there are several events planned in Peebles during Christian Aid Week.

Donation envelopes will be delivered to every house which can then be returned to a drop-off point for collection.

Coffee mornings will take place at St Andrews Leckie Church Hall from 10am-12pm on May 16, 17 and 18. A plant sale is planned for Saturday, May 18 in the church grounds. In addition there is a seven-mile sponsored walk aimed at families.

Head of Christian Aid Scotland Val Brown said: “Sue’s triathlon challenge for Christian Aid is truly inspiring – we wish her all the very best (and a well-deserved rest afterwards!).

It’s wonderful to see so much happening in Peebles this May for Christian Aid Week, it’s a week when global social justice really is at the heart of local communities.

"Burundi is the focus of this year’s appeal, a country where 70 per cent of the population live in poverty and more than half of children are chronically malnourished.

"Our work there, through local partners, is supporting people to gain business skills and access village savings schemes so they can earn vital income and become financially secure.”

Sue has raised more than £700 so far, smashing her £500 target.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Sue can do so via her JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/page/sue-isherwood-triathlon-christian-aid-2024