A REVISED bid for a pump track in a Borders village has been rubber-stamped by planners.

Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has granted planning approval for a bike pump track close to a village bowling club at Station Road in Stow.

This proposal is being undertaken by Stow Community Trust and Stow Community Council and the application is a revised version of one previously approved by the local authority.

The Trust is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation, made up of local people keen to see development of assets in the village and surrounding area for the common good.

It is an active organisation that has recently completed the refurbishment of the derelict Station House to form a bistro and cycle hub for the community.

They have also been instrumental in the purchase of e-bikes for rental and use by locals.

The proposed site is to the south of the main park in an area of rough ground, adjacent to the bowling club which is to the west and the Mill Lade to the east.

Access would be from the main park over a timber bridge to the east or from the area of ground directly south of the existing play facility. SBC owns the site and it is currently unused.

In his report approving the application, Carlos Clarke, SBC lead planning officer, said: “The proposal will be further from residential properties than before and raises no concerns above those of the previous application.”