A FORMER Peebles restaurant could be off the menu forever if a bid for conversion to residential use gets the green light.

A planning application has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council for the change of use of the ex-eatery building at 64 Northgate to form four residential flats.

The existing building also forms the greater part of a former garage, showroom and office that has been subdivided and had a variety of uses in the 21st century.

A report with the application says: “Like an education centre and a café before it, the restaurant business did not prove to have long-term viability on the site and it has been empty for some time ahead of this application.

“The proposal seeks to convert the existing building into four residential units with associated refuse storage. The lower section of the building would be converted into two residential units, one with two bedrooms and one with one bedroom.

“The existing two-storey section of the building which sits on the corner of Dean Park and the Northgate would be converted into a further two flats.

“The proposal looks to secure a sustainable long-term use for the property, and to enhance the existing appearance of the building. The improvement of the appearance of the building will enhance the character of the conservation area.”