PEOPLE sparking with ideas are being sought to help transform Peebles this festive season.

Many complain about Christmas coming too early.

But, although it is the middle of May, Peebles Christmas Lights Association (PCLA) has to plan ahead.

At its annual general meeting recently, the group welcomed two members of Peebles Business and Retailers Association (PBRA) who have joined the committee.

Both the PCLA chairman, David Elder, and Peebles Chief Callant Adrian Swanston, who chaired the meeting for the election of office bearers, made a plea for more volunteers.

A PCLA spokesperson said: “The lights on the High Street don’t go up and down by themselves and the PCLA is looking for some younger people to join and learn how things are done.

“Once again PCLA has had a busy year.

“The biggest project undertaken was the impressive new feature on the façade of the Eastgate Theatre.

“It took a considerable amount of planning.

“Not only was it technically challenging but applications had to be made to fund it.”

Mr Swanston also thanked the committee for “the sterling job they do” in providing our lovely town with one of the best Christmas High Streets in the Scottish Borders.

Continuous rain last Christmas caused other problems and association members heard that one casualty was the Tontine canopy reindeer.

The PCLA spokesperson said: “No matter how hard you try to make sure things are watertight, water always seems to find its way in. 

“The reindeer on top of the Tontine canopy needs a major repair. 

“Fortunately the manufacturer and supplier have conceded there was a flaw in its construction and will repair it free of charge.” 

Last December’s switch-on event was a great success and Mr Swanston said that members of PCLA should be commended for the time and effort it takes to organise and run this event every year. 

Mr Elder thanked the committee for all its hard work over the year and added that the support from Stobo Castle, Glenrath Farms, Peebles Callants, Peebles Round Table, other organisations and individuals was always much appreciated.