BACKGROUND reports have been ordered into a Town Yetholm man who admitted a drug dealing charge at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

Forty-year-old Christopher Mulholland’s offence was aggravated by the fact it was connected to serious organised crime.

He pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of cocaine at his home in Cheviot Place and also a property in Kelso between January 2022 and September 30, 2022.

Mulholland also admitted being in possession of cannabis.

Prosecutor India McLean said police officers executed a search warrant at the Town Yetholm property in September 2022 and found a number of items including £2,000 in cash.

Thirty grammes of cocaine were recovered with an estimated value of £2,400 and a small quantity of cannabis. 

Sheriff Peter Paterson said a prison sentence was uppermost in the court’s mind.

Sentence was deferred until June 17.