DEMOLITION has been agreed for an ‘eyesore’ school building in the Borders – paving the way for a potential new supermarket on the site.

Scottish Borders Council (SBC) has approved the flattening of the vacant Rosla building on the south side of the former Jedburgh Grammar School.

The Friarsgate school was left redundant once the £32m intergenerational Jedburgh Grammar Campus at Hartrigge Park opened in April 2020.

A public consultation was launched over the future of the vacant site two years ago.

There were 636 responses to the consultation with the majority of respondents (490) suggesting that a supermarket was the preferred option, with other suggestions being a care home and sports park.

The building is empty and in a poor state of repair, and its demolition will make the site more attractive ahead of it being marketed to potential buyers.

In his report approving demolition, Euan Calvert, SBC planning assistant, says: “The demolition offers a positive opportunity to make a better contribution to the conservation area and the removal will not harm the townscape quality.

“The removal may be a catalyst for future wider development at the Pleasance. Redevelopment proposals have not been demonstrated but as the council is owner of this site the future use and master-planning of the former grammar school can be controlled.”

Jedburgh & District Conservative councillor Scott Hamilton said demolition would “unlock the site’s potential for future development”.

He said: “It will go out to market and be targeted at retail. People said they wanted a supermarket and we can market it to them and at least we can then say we did all that we could to achieve that.”

During consultation one respondent stated: “The local Jedburgh people need a supermarket such as Aldi or Lidl that provides more choice and better prices than the Co-op.

“Many people have to travel to other towns for grocery shopping, many relaying on public transport which isn’t great.”

Another respondent added: “By providing Jedburgh with a proper supermarket we will keep local people in the town, using less emissions from travelling and also using the local facilities more.”

As part of a rationalisation programme, SBC is looking to sell off 10 per cent of its current estate assets over the next few years.