A PROPERTY surveyor drove his vehicle home from the pub after consuming alcohol despite living only 600 metres away, Selkirk Sheriff Court has been told. 

Thirty-three-year-old Alan Young was found to be almost four times the legal alcohol limit when police caught up with him at his Melrose home during the early hours of Saturday, February 3.

Prosecutor India McLean said the accused had been drinking in a pub in the town and was heard to say he was going to drive home at around 1am.

A witness saw him enter the car park and get into his vehicle and the police were contacted. 

When officers attended at his home at 2.50am, Young was found to have a breath/alcohol count of 79 microgrammes – the legal limit being 22.

Young’s lawyer said the offence was “made even more stupid” by the fact that he lived only 600 metres away from the public house.

He added the offence was going to be costly as he was set to lose his job as a driving licence was required.

Sheriff Douglas Keir banned Young from driving for 12 months and fined him £600 with a £40 victim surcharge.

He was also referred to the Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme which would result in a 25 per cent reduction in the length of the disqualification period if successfully completed at his own expense.