MEMBERS of Innerleithen and District Community Council (IDCC) held a crucial meeting on Monday evening to save the organisation.

Three elected members: Andy Weir, George Brown and Colin Williams were joined by co-opted members: Sharon Guest and Heather Jackson and former chair Susan Meikle, who was co-opted as an ordinary member at the meeting.

George Brown was elected as chair, Andy Weir secretary, Colin Williams as treasurer and in his absence Max Volino as vice-chair.

All agreed that the positions were settled to allow IDCC to function while further volunteers are sought to increase the numbers.

A recent informal recruitment event was held and the meeting heard that there were some positive expressions of interest.

Mr Weir said: “Innerleithen is a fantastic community and there are some great opportunities with all the current wind farm development.”

It was agreed to set up a WhatsApp group to speed up communication between members.

The next meeting is planned for September.