A FARM worker who pestered his former partner for four months after their relationship ended has been fined £500 at Selkirk Sheriff Court – and ordered to stay away from her for five years.

Fifty-one-year-old Gary McColm sent her numerous threatening and abusive messages between January and April.

He turned up at her property and when he tried to block her closing the door on him the police were contacted.

Defence lawyer Mat Patrick said the relationship had ended “messily” but rather than walk away he continued to try and contact her.

He admitted his client should have stopped when she did not respond to him and added that he had “crossed the line”.

McColm, of Clackmae Farm Cottages, Earlston, was fined £500 with a £20 victim surcharge.

A non-harassment order was imposed banning him from having any contact with the woman for five years.