A BID for a new Borders café is facing opposition from a resident living in a neighbouring property over odour concerns.

An application has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council for the conversion of an office at 60 High Street in Hawick into a café.

An odour mitigation report forms part of the bid which outlines how potential smells would be minimised.

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But a direct neighbour has raised objections to the application on the grounds of concerns over cooking smells from the café reaching their property, while also stating fire hazard concerns.

The objector says: “I object to this project due to the close proximity to my flat.

“I have seen the plans and for extractor fan to be going up the way the smell will go right into my flat and other ones as well. There is also a fire hazard due to it being in between buildings.”

The application is currently being considered by the council’s planning department.