THE annual Friends of the BGH Schloss Roxburghe Charity Golf Day consisting of 16 teams of four players took place on September 28 and raised just over £5,000.

The money allows the charity to buy furniture, inside and out, for the "Friendly Cabin" erected at Huntlyburn in the spring of this year which was mostly paid for from the proceeds of last year’s Friends charity golf day.

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The winners were the Brett Investment team Nick Alston, Luke Townsend, Gregor McNeish, Douglas Livingston.

Chair of the Friends James Marjoribanks and event organiser Nigel Brown were delighted with the success of the whole day.

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The pair said: “We would like to thank the Schloss Roxburghe for the use of the course, Keith Grieve from Belhaven and Middlemiss Embroidery for sponsoring the prizes and all their continued support together with all the participating teams who all said they would be there next year for our charity golf day on 26th September 2024.”

Jan Moffat from the Borders General Hospital who looks after the "Friendly Cabin" was delighted with the sum raised and said: "Many thanks to the Friends once more and the furniture completes the project .

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“The space to Grow team is extremely happy to have the Friends support in progressing our long term vision of creating an indoor and outdoor space at the cabin.

“This will provide opportunity for clinicians to engage with patients and for staff the opportunity to leave the clinical setting to benefit from the peace and quiet around the cabin.

"The major piece of the jigsaw puzzle, of creating a visionary environment has the potential to have an untold impact on the futures of patients, their families and the staff working at Huntlyburn for years to come"