A TEENAGER from Hawick had the chance to quiz MSPs on the climate change plans.

Cian Gullen, an active member of the Scottish Youth Parliament, met with members of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee at the Scottish Parliament last week.

One of the youngest attendees at the event, the 17-year-old travelled to meet the MSPs with a team of other Scottish Youth Parliament members.

Cian said: “I really enjoyed the environment committee event at the Scottish Parliament. It gave us the chance to give our own thoughts on how to get young people interested in keeping Scotland clean, green and more sustainable.

"It also gave us the opportunity to quiz the committee on its role in scrutinising Scotland’s climate change plans. 

“Young people need to have their voices heard – as we’re the ones who can make a huge difference in the future. This event was a great opportunity for us to put a young person’s voice at the heart of the climate-change debate.”

Graeme Dey MSP, Convener of the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee, said: “It’s been incredibly valuable to hear first-hand from young people on their thoughts for creating a climate-friendly, low-carbon Scotland, especially as our Committee embarks on reviewing and scrutinising the Scottish Government’s latest Climate-Change Plan.

“Young people are facing a future where they may experience the full impacts of climate change – so it’s vital that their voices are heard. Their thoughts will help shape the Parliament’s scrutiny of climate change, and those who would still like to share their views can do so online.”

To get involved and share your views, visit http://ow.ly/Z0lC308fDr9.

The deadline for responses is Friday, February 10.