SIR, Much has been written about the negativity of the “Better Together” campaign, despite the fact that the negativity is surely with the “Yes” camp as it is they, not “Better Together”, that wish to leave the United Kingdom. That is surely the most negative statement of all!

Much of what they have said seems to indicate that this is a horrible country, uncaring, unfeeling and everything is broken. They should travel more, even within Europe! In a dangerous world this is not the time to separate. On the contrary, we need to stick together, future threats are here now. As an island nation we will have to preserve our integrity.

They will, of course, fix everything, but will not tell us how they will pay, nor with what currency, for all the free gifts they have offered to the voters.

Their hypocrisy on the Monarchy, defence, and energy is matched only by their lack of answers to the crucial questions about job losses, medical research, a falling oil revenue and replacement for the damaged financial sector, which is currently leaking billions of pounds south.

Like it or not, for all the free child care, care for the elderly, free prescriptions, bus passes, free university education for all, etc, etc, etc, somebody has to pay. And when the jobs have moved south, who will pay?

I love my country. I take huge pride in the fact that our Overseas Aid budget has been preserved by this UK government and our generosity is making the difference to lives in so many poor countries. As members of the Security Council of the UN our country has had a major influence on the UN’s activities throughout the world. Within Europe we are one of the most prosperous nations which have had to bail out the weakest. They are now recovering, for the benefit of all. Scotland has played its part. We should be proud and stop running the United Kingdom down. It is a great nation and we can continue to enjoy its benefits!

It will cost millions of pounds to create this new country. Hundreds of millions of pounds to create a new bureaucracy that will have to come from other budgets. Everybody will suffer to pay for the egotistical ambitions of a few. If you don’t want that, then please consider your vote and look to enhance the UK as one of the world’s most stable and safest countries in which to live.

I am, etc.

Sandy Aitchison Craigend Road Stow