SIR, Having received yet another leaflet from John Lamont MSP, focussing on issues that are either devolved to Holyrood or the responsibility of Scottish Borders Council, I am eager to hear the views of Mr Lamont on those issues which are not devolved and are the reserved responsibility of Westminster, including the current and future austerity policy and the proposed referendum on leaving the EU.

I am certain that many pensioners would like to know more about the proposed changes to pension credit. I am sure the agriculture sector, whose income will be affected by leaving the European Union, would like to hear his views on the promised in/out EU referendum.

As he is standing as a Westminster candidate these issues may have an influence on people’s voting intention and the Borders public need to know what his views are. Perhaps he will be kind enough to respond via your newspaper.

I am, etc.

Phil McCabe Jedburgh